Why Does My Car Smell Funny

Having your car smell like vinegar can be one of the worst motoring experiences possible. Every time you want to go out for a drive, you're put off by the horrible smell.

You don't want to take passengers, and you're worried that the awful acidic smell will transfer over to you.

Not only is it embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it may also be a cause for concern.

If you're wondering why your car's AC smells like vinegar, and how you can fix it, then read on.

So, why does my car smell like vinegar?

A car will smell like vinegar when moisture becomes trapped in the AC system and mold forms. This mold releases a particular chemical that also happens to be found in vinegar.

In this article we'll also look at the potential dangers of a vinegar smell, and how to get rid of it. Let's take a look, shall we?

Top Reasons your car's AC smells like vinegar

There are actually a number of reasons why your car's AC smells like vinegar. Here are the most common reasons:

Mold in the air vents or ductwork

The most common reason why your car's AC smells like vinegar is because of mold. Mold infestations occur when your car is in a warm location that has a high water vapor content.

So, if you live in a hot, humid area, you're much more likely to get a mold infestation than someone living in a cold climate.

In humid conditions, water can collect in your car instead of being evaporated into the air.

Over the years, if any organic material makes it past the cabin air filter then it's likely to get stuck somewhere between the filter and the air vents. This can greatly exacerbate a mold problem.

This mold trapped inside the air vents is the cause of the vinegar smell.

Luckily there are plenty of air vent and duct sprays on the market to help you neutralize the smells emanating from your HVAC system.

BMW air vents
Air vents and ducts can get harbor mold

Blocked condensation drain

If your car's condensation drain pipe is clogged, it may start to leak back into your vehicle.

If your AC's drainage system isn't working properly, then the overflowing water will be left to build up on the floor of your car, and will start clinging to the windows, ceiling, and fabrics of your interior.

This, over time, will cause mold and mildew to form, pretty much everywhere. As such, it's really important that you make sure your AC is draining properly.

Fixing a clogged AC drain pipe is easy if you know what you're doing, and can be a quick way to prevent the ingress of water into your car and combat the smell of vinegar.

Clogged cabin air filter

If your cabin air filters are damaged or clogged, it won't be long before your car starts smelling like vinegar.

All the air that enters your cabin through the vents goes through a filter first. So if there's a build up of dust or other organic material inside the filter, moisture can start to form pretty quickly.

And where there is moisture there is going to be mold, which, as we know, causes the vinegary smell.

To make sure this doesn't happen, you should clean your cabin air filters regularly and replace them according to your vehicle's service schedule.

To clean your filter, you can either tap the dirt out, or use a vacuum to suck it out.

Old Transmission Fluid

If your car is free of mold, but is still producing a vinegary smell, it may not be the air conditioning system at all. The cause may be stale transmission fluid.

Cars should go through regular transmission fluid changes to keep it fresh and ensure there are no fluid leaks.

If you haven't had a transmission flush in a while, then some of the old fluid may leak into other parts of the car and the odor can become evident inside the cabin.


We all know that food left in an unattended car can become a little pungent.

Once our beloved cupcakes and take-out containers have been left in the sun for too long, they start to go off and emit all kinds of strange scents which can include acidic and vinegary smells.

So if you regularly eat in your car, be sure to frequently vacuum it to remove all the crumbs and food debris, and prevent it from going moldy.

Fast food drive-thru
Leftover food and crumbs can lead to mold forming inside a car

Other reasons your car may smell of vinegar

There are several other, less common, causes of a vinegary smell inside a car. They include:

  • Battery acid leak
  • Failing fuel filter
  • Leaky window seals

Is it Dangerous if a Car's AC Smells like Vinegar?

Vinegary smells caused by mold in a car's AC system can be dangerous to anybody over prolonged periods. It can cause allergic reactions in the short-term and respiratory problems in the long-term.

It's well known that mold is dangerous to anybody over time, especially when you're not wearing proper protection.

So, if you start to smell vinegar when you turn your AC on, you'll need to have it checked out immediately.

Here are some of the dangers that can occur when driving with mold in your air vents:

  • Face irritation. This includes discomfort in the nose, eyes and throat. You may also experience rashes, a runny nose and watery or itchy eyes
  • Bad headaches as soon as you step into your car. This can be particularly dangerous whilst driving
  • Fatigue or nausea when driving a car that smells of vinegar

The smell of vinegar in your car won't cause any real damage to your health in the short term.

However, you should get the issue sorted as soon as you can. The more you expose yourself to mold, the more likely you are to inhale the harmful spores that can eventually cause breathing difficulties.

How do I get the Vinegar Smell out of my Car AC?

If you've found the cause of the vinegar smell, you may be wondering how an earth you can get it out of your car. Here's some of the best methods for doing so:

Take your car to a mechanic

The safest, easiest and most convenient method of removing the vinegar smell from your car's AC is to see a mechanic.

They'll know what to look for, where the problem lies, and the best way to fix it. They'll also have the proper equipment, which will allow the problem to be dealt with in the safest way.

However, this method is probably the most expensive, so you may want to try something else before seeing a professional.

Clean or replace problem parts

If you've managed to establish the cause of the vinegar smell yourself, you may want to also try fixing it yourself.

For example, you may need to simply change the cabin air filter to remove the build-up of damp, organic material. Or unclog the AC drain pipe to reduce the amount of moisture building up in your car.

This can be a cost-effective way of removing the smell, but it can sometimes be tricky to identify the cause of the problem in the first place.

Use a car vent and duct cleaner

An easy, inexpensive and effective way to get the vinegar smell out of your car's AC is to use a specialized spray for your car's HVAC system.

Simply apply according to the spray's instructions, and this should combat the mold. As the mold disappears, you should notice that the vinegar smell also diminishes.

The only issue with this method is that it can only be a temporary fix, depending on the product you're using. Some products do claim to deal with the root cause of the problem, however.

If you want to eliminate the vinegar smell for good, you'll need to address the issue that's causing the mold, and not just eliminate the mold as it appears.

Final thoughts

So, there's a comprehensive guide on why your car smells of vinegar, and how you can prevent it.

Mold is one of the biggest problems in all of our lives, and unfortunately, your car cannot always escape it.

But, if you address and fix the issue as soon as it crops up, then you can minimize the damage to your car, and avoid the vinegar smell from lasting.

Mold in your car's AC can also be a damage to your health in the long term, which is yet another incentive to get it removed as soon as possible.


Source: https://thecarinvestor.com/why-does-car-smell-like-vinegar/

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